
Kim Hyun Joong paralyzes Odaiba with a guerilla concert

Hallyu star Kim Hyun Joong has paralyzed the streets of Odaiba with his guerrilla concert!

On July 4th, Kim Hyun Joong set out to the streets to surprise his fans and thank them for the outstanding support they’ve been showing his second Japanese single, ‘HEAT‘, which ranked first in sales online and offline. Fans were ecstatic as they spotted him setting up a surprise guerrilla concert at the Shiokaze Park in Odaiba.

Despite not having alerted fans of the time and location ahead of time, fans and passerby alike swarmed the area immediately, paralyzing the park with his popularity.

Kim Hyun Joong performed “Let’s Party” for the first time amidst the cheers of fans chanting “Kim Hyun Joong”. About 1,000 people were estimated to have gathered at the area.

A representative commented, “It was an afternoon on a weekday so it was surprising to see him gather so many people in such a short amount of time. It was an opportunity for us to see his true popularity demonstrated.”


金賢重日本辦Guerilla演唱會 臨時起意仍號召千名粉絲



在演唱會上,金賢重熱唱在第二張專輯中收錄的新歌《Let’s party》開場,當歌曲《Let’s party》伴奏開始後金賢重亮相,粉絲熱烈歡呼顯得十分興奮。金賢重隨著音樂展現熱情洋溢的表演,很多粉絲異口同聲高喊“金賢重!”,現場十分火爆。據經紀人統計,當日現場匯集了近一千多名觀眾。

而該演唱會上首次公開的金賢重第二張專輯中收錄的新歌《Let’s party》,透過輕快的節奏和感人的歌詞,受到了在場粉絲們的熱烈關注和呼應。




120704 Kim Hyun Joong - Guerilla Live at Divercity Tokyo [Media Photos]


120704 Kim Hyun Joong Oricon Daily Ranking #1 record

T_____T   OPPA....

120704 Kim Hyun Joong @ FUJI TV - NON-STOP

. FR:vimeo.com/45180413

120704 Kim Hyun Joong @SBS Night of TV Entertainment Cut


120704 Kim Hyun Joong @ Mezamashi TV&oh@yocall
